The global language training provider Wall Street English has been ranked as the top language school in France in a poll run by national publication Le Point.
Surveying over 3,000 consumers and 2,700 experts, the French network achieved a score of 9.35/10, ranking number one in the language training category. The survey acknowledges the company’s quality of service and its commitment to giving learners outstanding results.

(Best training institutions in France | Best language school)
Present in France since 1983, today Wall Street English has an extensive geographical coverage with 63 centers across the country. Despite the challenging times in the industry, the French network has continued to grow and even extended across borders. In late 2020, Natanael Wright, owner of Wall Street English France became the new master franchisee for Spain, where 4 centers are operating today, and more planned in the next five years.
French Survey Ranks the Best Training Providers
Le Point magazine, one of the major publications in the country for business, politics, and current affairs, organized a poll for the first time to rank the best training providers in France.
Published late April with the collaboration of Statista, over 20 categories of specific fields of training were represented, ranging from human resources to sales, legal to building. Each category ranked the best training providers in the respective sector.

Online Training Market Grows Significantly in France
In the article, Le Point highlighted the huge shift towards online, revealing 2021 numbers such as:
- Online training now represents 25% of all courses
- On average 7,000 people sign up per day for online learning courses – twice the amount compared to the start of 2020
With a significant increase in online learners, reaching over two million people this year, there are strong reasons to believe the trend will continue. An increase in remote and part-time working, delaying the return to full-time employment, and better job prospects, are creating the ideal environment for ongoing training.
English Training Provider Wall Street English Adapted Well to the Future
In its article, Le Point explained the tremendous impact the pandemic has had on the training industry. Training institutions were forced, in just a few weeks, to adapt in order to survive and not get left behind. Wall Street English was one of those able to not only adapt but also build for the future.
When the pandemic started to spread, its 170,000 learners were successfully transitioned to online-only courses . Delivering its classes almost exclusively through brick-and-mortar prior to 2020, the Wall Street English offering has evolved so that learners can now choose between online, in-center, or a mix of both to follow their language training courses.
As the learners are offered even more flexibility than before, franchise owner Natanael Wright said in a recent event:
“People have never learnt so much with us in such a short period of time. People are reacting: we’ve made it easier to learn, so they learn more!“
Convinced that the English training institution’s offering now matches the needs of modern consumers more than ever, he then concluded:
“We are going to end up stronger after the crisis, with a better offer for students”.
Quality of Service at the Heart of Brand Values
The Wall Street English blended learning method has been proven to be highly effective. Learning outcomes rely heavily on the level of engagement of learners, which in turn depends on many factors – one of them being the quality of support they receive.
This is why it is so important for language training providers to deliver high-quality service to their learners. It also explains why this is the number one priority for Wall Street English staff around the world. Today it is the French team’s turn to receive praise and recognition – well deserved!
In reaction to the award received from LePoint, Natanael said:
“We’ve been obsessed with service quality for over ten years. Our team’s commitment to our service standards and processes deserves all the credit. It is nice to have people with faith in the method.”
The CEO of Wall Street English, James McGowan, was thrilled about the announcement:
“In very adverse times, to be recognized for your quality is a true tribute to the passion, purpose and dedication of the group. This is very welcome news and a wonderful achievement! Congratulations to the French team!”
Great Future Prospects Ahead Opening Up Further Franchising Opportunities
A strong product and high–quality service which give modern consumers the flexibility and results that they desire, combined with a business concept adaptable to changing market conditions. All the ingredients for success are here to make the Wall Street English model attractive for anyone looking for a franchising opportunities in the language training market.
If you’d like to learn more about franchising opportunities available at Wall Street English, please contact the Franchise Development team by filling the form below: